Abilities First

AbilityFirst provides programs and services to help children and adults with physical and developmental disabilities reach their full potential throughout their lives. We offer a broad range of employment, recreational and socialization programs and operate 12 accessible residential housing complexes.  http://www.abilityfirst.org/index.aspx


Bookshare’s® goal is to make the world of print accessible to people with disabilities.  Bookshare is free to all U.S. student's with qualifying disabilities.

Club 21

Club 21 connects parents and teachers to the resources necessary to make inclusion successful.  Through an educational resource center and outreach facilitators.  The resource center is equipped with the tools and technology needed to modify classroom curriculum appropriately matched to each child’s needs and abilities.  Outreach facilitators are Individuals dedicated to providing school and classroom consultations, Down syndrome awareness presentations, and inclusion support for educators and professionals.
Additional information and programs can be found at http://www.clubtwentyone.org/

Eastern Los Angeles Regional Center

The Eastern Los Angeles Regional Center (ELARC) Eastern Los Angeles Regional Center (ELARC) is committed to serving individuals with developmental disabilities and their families by promoting partnerships which empower them to achieve meaningful and fulfilling lifestyles in their community and can be contacted at www.elarc.org or (626) 299-4700.

Tierra del Sol

Tierra del Sol helps more than 500 people across Los Angeles County overcome cognitive, physical, emotional or behavioral challenges resulting from developmental disability. Tierra offers a tremendous variety of educational opportunities for people to discover their own unique talents and abilities to contribute to their community and their family.